Work Experience At Parklands

Work experience is available at Parklands Christian College and is optional for students.
A full term’s notice to our Careers and VET Coordinator is required prior to the work experience placement during school holidays, to safely complete the necessary process.

Work experience is the short term placement of students with businesses and organisations to provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located, and is unpaid. Whilst undertaking work experience, students will observe different aspects of work within their chosen industry and may assist with tasks allocated by their supervisor, but should not undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.

Students must be at least 14 years old to participate in work experience, with older age requirements for some trades. Students wishing to complete work experience in an electrical trade must first successfully meet a number of requirements – see the Work Experience Fact Sheet 2023 for further information.

Please see below the extensive process involved for work experience to progress in the term leading up to the work experience placement in student holidays.

  1. Find a suitable host employer willing and able to host your child for 1 to 5 days of work experience during the Easter holidays, Student Free Week in June, or September holidays. No work experience placements are available during the Summer Holidays.
  2.    By Week 2, Monday, the following information regarding the host employer must be communicated to the College by email to careers@parklands.qld.edu.au

–       Company name

–       Company address

–       Nominated supervisor’s name

–       Phone number

–       Email address

–       Industry / Occupation

–       Work Experience sampling dates

–       Hours of work

–       Student’s medical and/or learning needs during work experience

    1. Starting Week 3, Monday the College’s Workplace Health and Safety Manager conducts site visits and Risk Assessments for student placements.
    2. By Week 6, Friday – Once site visit and Risk Assessment is complete and approved by the WHS Manager, the Careers and VET Coordinator and WHS Manager meet with the College Principal for final approval. The Work Experience Agreement is sent to the student, parents and employer for approval and signatures, along with other relevant documents, including insurance information, work experience responsibilities for all parties, work experience journal, are emailed to parents, students and employers.
    3. Starting Week 7, Monday, the WHS Manager and Careers and VET Coordinator meet with each individual student to ensure understanding of worksite specific risk assessments and complete the Office of Industrial Relations’ ‘Young People at Work’ induction presentation, ensuring student understanding of procedures.
    4. Starting Week 8, Monday, the Careers and VET Coordinator will arrange staff work experience placement site visits.
    5. Starting Week 9, Monday, students attending work experience contact their host employer to confirm placement details and ensure they have all necessary clothing, PPE and paperwork required.
    6. During holidays, or June Student Free Week – Student attends work experience placement as per agreement. Careers and VET Coordinator and WHS Manager attend site visits during placements. Students complete Work Experience Journals.
    7. Following Term, Week 1 – Students return completed work experience journal to Careers and VET Coordinator and complete work experience debrief meeting. Students receive Certificate of Participation for their Careers folder.
    8. Starting Week 2 – Careers and VET Coordinator sends host employers ‘Thank You’ letter, with Certificate of Appreciation.

    Any changes to the work experience program due to COVID restrictions and/or Qld Government directions will be communicated to parents, students and work experience providers as soon as possible.

    If you have any questions or need assistance regarding work experience please contact the College by email to our Careers and VET Coordinator at careers@parklands.qld.edu.au or by phone call on 3380 4200.

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