Vocational Education & Training

The Senior Years are an exciting yet sometimes demanding time for senior students as they balance personal and educational goals to finalise their formal years of schooling.

The function of the VET Department is to establish relationships with students and parents to ensure that students in the senior phase of learning are provided with vocational training and workforce skills to kick-start their career. The VET Department operates under the guidance of Mrs Elizabeth Lenton, Careers & VET Coordinator, keeping students informed of School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SATs) opportunities, Work Experience programs and Tertiary Open Days.

Certificate Courses Offered at Parklands

Parklands Christian College, in agreement with multiple Registered Training Organisations (RTO) offers the following certificate qualifications delivered in the timetable, on campus.

  • Certificate II in Active Volunteering
  • Certificate II in Workplace Skills
  • Certificate III in Business
  • Certificate II/III in Hospitality
  • Certificate I in Construction
  • Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
  • Certificate III in Fitness

SATs (School-based Apprenticeships/Traineeships)

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) allow secondary students, generally in Years 11 and 12 (sometimes Year 10 via school approval), to work for an employer and train towards a recognised qualification, while completing their secondary schooling and studying for their Queensland Certificate of Education and ATAR score.

There are two main differences between a school-based apprentice and a school-based trainee. A school-based apprentice is trained in a skilled trade and upon successful completion will become a qualified tradesperson. Trades include electrical, plumbing, cabinet making and automotive just to name a few.

  • School-based trainees are trained in a vocational area, such as office administration, information technology and hospitality, and upon completion will receive a minimum of a Certificate II in the chosen vocational area.
  • School-based apprentices and trainees require a minimum of 375 hours (50 days) of paid employment. For training contracts in electrotechnology, a minimum of 600 hours (80 days) of paid employment must be provided.

Examples of School-based Traineeships/Apprenticeships

  • Certificate III Information Technology/Media
  • Certificate III in Fitness
  • Certificate III in Hospitality
  • Certificate III in Business/Business Administration
  • Certificate III in Animal Studies
  • Certificate III in Hairdressing
  • Certificate I in Construction
  • Certificate II in Engineering

Links for parents and students:

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